Value of Coaching
Coaching – What’s the buzz!
Consider yourself (or one of your key leaders);
- Does the person you have in mind, have the primary responsibility of achieving and exceeding your company’s goals and aspirations for coming year?
- Do you believe that this person may not be performing at their full capacity?
- Do you know that this person has key leadership priorities that they would like to develop?
- Are there times when this person is incredibly busy but not productive?
- As a leader, would this person like to be more productive and grow to the next level?
Answering YES to these questions? Coaching WILL make an incredible difference.
Return on Investment
An executive or senior leader who wants to grow to the next level and is willing to work with an executive coach will reap incredible benefits.
Fact: more than 50% of executives in Fortune 500 companies now receive personal executive coaches as perks or benefits to their employment.
Fact: Tiger Woods, undoubtedly one of (if not) the greatest golfers ever – works with a coach! Imagine what it must be like to not only be the very best in the world at what you do, but to be humble enough to admit that you can get better … that you don’t know it all.
Fact: Survey conducted by Manchester of 140 companies suggested the average return on investment was five dollars for every dollar invested.
Fact: California College conducted a field trial, by providing executive coaches to their freshman students. During this process between 60 and 70% more students returned for year two.
Fact: MetrixGlobal conduced research for a Fortune 500 company: executive coaching provided a 529% return on investment. This report is supported by other research including Dell Computers. Half of the 761 senior managers at Dell Computer Corporation recently received executive coaching within a two-year time period. Dell has been actively monitoring these managers through pre-determined measurements. One of these criterions indicates that executives who received coaching tended to be promoted more often than those who were not coached.
Fact: executive coaching at Booze Allen Hamilton delivered $7.90 ROI for every dollar invested.
Fact: Kodak’s coaching program for 1000 employees delivered double digit increases in employee productivity.
Fact: “Just as great athletes make huge gains with the help of their coaches, people at all levels of organizations are seeing phenomenal results through support from business coaches,” Ken Blanchard (author “One Minute Manager)
Fact: “I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum capabilities.” Bob Nardelli, CEO Home Depot
Research has proven training alone, will increase productivity by about 28%.
When this training is followed by dedicated coaching, productivity increases to 88%.